This guide is a smaller more to the point version of the manager guide found here. It is intended to be easier to reference to more quickly with less details. A slightly higher level of understanding of the system may be needed for this guide.
Getting Started with Heartland Restaurant
This section describes getting started with your initial login to Heartland Restaurant.
Opening Heartland Restaurant
Once you’re logging into your iPad locate the Heartland Restaurant icon and tap to open it.
Login Screen
The following is a sample Login screen:
From the Login screen, enter a staff member’s PIN then select Go and the Clock- In screen displays. If you allowed camera permission, on the right side of the screen, you’ll see a square with the front camera activated. Once you touch Clock-In you’ll be prompted for a job type, if applicable. The system will capture an image at the time of the button press.
Default Registering Printer Assignment
Each iPad must have a Default Register Printer configured to have a cash drawer attached and to print guest checks. Use the following steps to configure a printer:
Select the User Menu in the top right corner of the application and a list of options displays.
Select Manager then Printers and the app searches for available printers.
Select your printer template by clicking Use.
Complete one of the following:
If no templates display,
- Select New Template.
- Select the Rooms that this receipt printer will print for.
- Select the printer for this iPad and select Enable.
- Enter a Name for the Template.
- Select Save.
If templates display, select the desired printer under Default Register Printer.
Select Exit.
Selecting Payment Devices
Depending on your setup, you’ll have a Europay, Mastercard, and Visa (EMV) terminals and/or a Magnetic Stripe Reader (MSR) attached to each iPad. Select the appropriate devices to connect to each iPad.
EMV Terminals
Assuming your dealer has already configured your devices and connected them to the network, you may need to do these additional steps:
- Select the User Menu in the top right corner of the application and a list of options displays.
- Select Manager then Payment Terminals and available Payment Terminals.
- Tap to select one and it will attempt to connect to the PAX device.
- Select the Card Reader icon and if successful, the screen displays CONNECTED.
MSRs are typically plug-and-play and are attached into the headphone jack of the iPad.
- Insert the MSR into the headphone jack and a message displays that a reader was attached.
- Select the Card Reader icon and if successful, the screen displays CONNECTED.
Start of Day
This section describes some common tasks typically completed at the beginning of a business day in Heartland Restaurant. Note that these could vary from your own operations.
Staff members must Clock-In to Heartland Restaurant to use the system. To Clock-In:
- The staff member will enter their PIN number on the Login Screen.
- Select Go and the Clock-In screen displays.
- They will face the camera and then select Clock-In. Note that when they have multiple jobs the system will prompt them to select the desired job. For example:
Preparing to Take Cash Transactions
Depending on your restaurant’s setup, you may use cash drawers or server banking for various staff members. Each have different Start of Day procedures, detailed below.
Cash Drawer
If a staff member is set up to manage cash via a Cash Drawer, a drawer must be attached before performing any cash transactions. If a staff member attempts to perform a transaction with no drawer attached, they will receive a message stating it needs to be attached.
To Attach a Cash Drawer
- Select the User Menu in the top right corner of the application and a list of options displays.
- Select Attach Drawer and the Confirm Starting Cash keypad displays.
- You may have a preconfigured amount set in your system or you may need to enter the starting amount each time. Use the keypad to enter the Starting Cash.
- Select Confirm.
Server Bank
Staff members using a server bank do not need to take additional steps in Heartland Restaurant at the Start of Day. The sever bank automatically opens when the first cash transaction is taken.
No Sale
A No Sale allows staff members with proper permissions to open the drawer without changing the amount in the drawer. This can be used for a variety of reasons, for example, exchanging higher denomination bills for change if there is a shortage.
To do a No Sale select the User Menu in the top right corner of the application and select No Sale.
Adjusting Items Stock/Counts
Managers may need to enter the amount they have of particular items or of daily specials at the Start of Day. Once configured, the system automatically counts down the stock by one each time an item is ordered
You don’t have to set a Stock Limit for all items.
For items you want to keep track of stock, you can choose one of the following methods:
- Long Press – When in the order screen select and long press any item and the What’s the item stock limit? box displays allowing you to manually modify the stock number.
- Item Stock Management Screen
Select the User Menu in the top right corner of the application and a list of options displays.
Select Manager and then Item Stock Management and the following screen displays providing you with a more centralized way to manage stock counts:
- 86 an item – To 86 an item or show that an item is out of stock, you can set the items stock value to 0. This displays in red on the order interface allowing users to easily see the item is out of stock. Marking the stock value to 0 prevents the item from being ordered. On the Online Ordering interface the item shows as out of stock and will be unable to be ordered as well. The following example shows various stock counts including an 86:
Daily Operations
This section describes some common use and management functions in Heartland Restaurant that will be done throughout the day.
Staff Breaks
When a staff member needs to clock-out for a break, they will select the User Menu in the top right corner of the application and select Clock-Out. Selecting Clock-Out displays a window for the front facing camera that’s similar to the Clock-In screen.
To go on break, select Start Break.
If you have multiple types of breaks configured in the system, the staff member will need to select the type of break they’re taking.
They will be logged out of the system and when they return from break and log in, the Clock-Out screen again and they will select End Break to clock back in for work.
Editing/Changing Time Punches
If Clock-Ins/Clock-Outs need to be changed, this can be done by selecting the User Menu in the top right corner of the application then select Manager and select Time Punch Management.
From the Time Punch Management screen you’ll have various options.
Filtering options include:
- Date Range – You can select a span of dates to view time punches from Start Date on the left to Stop Date on the right. Selecting the date allows you to choose the month, day, and year.
- Staff Filter – Select the Staff button to select a staff member to filter by.
- Job Filter – Select the Job Type to select a job to filter by.
Edit Time Punches
In the Time Punch Management screen:
- Select Edit next to the time punch you want to change and the Staff, Clock-In, and Clock-Out fields will be available for editing.
- By tapping on the desired fields you can change the staff member who was assigned to the shift and change the clock in and clock out times.
- Select Save to save changes.
Delete a Time Punch
- Touch the time punch you want to delete and swipe left and the Delete button displays to the right of the time entry.
- Touch the Delete button and you’re prompted with a confirmation message allowing you to cancel or permanently delete the entry.
Creating Tickets
Heartland Restaurant has multiple ways to create a ticket. What’s available to you depends on your configuration. Note that some additional steps may be required after the initial ticket creation depending on your specific setup.
Table Layout Room
Select Rooms in the bottom left corner then select Layout and this room will have a layout with multiple tables showing to represent the tables in the restaurant. Tap on the desired table to start creating a ticket.
Tab Room
The Tab room is typically used for kiosks, Skip the Line, and /or Online Ordering. Order are sent automatically to this room when the options are configured for it.
Delivery Room
The Delivery room is typically used for Online Delivery Orders and/or telephone delivery orders. It also displays a map view with Driver options. You can manually create a ticket by selecting the New Ticket button.
Ordering Items
Once you’ve created a ticket you’re on the Order Screen. From the Order Screen you can edit items on the ticket and make any necessary changes.
To Add Items
- Tap on a menu item to add it to the ticket.
- Depending on the configuration of the item, you may have an additional window displaying to customize the item with modifiers like weight or removing ingredients… Once done customizing the item select in a blank area on the screen to go back to the Order Screen.
To Manage Items
Once items have been added to a ticket you can do any of the following actions:
Tap a single item in the ticket preview to select it.
Long press on an item in the ticket preview and you can select multiple items by tapping on the additional items.
From the small menu on the bottom right you can select:
- Select All - To select all items on the ticket
- Seat - To assign selected items to a seat number. A keypad displays for you to enter the desired seat number.
- Course - If your restaurant uses courses, you can assign a course number, a hold, or rush the selected item.
- Move - Allows you to move the selected item(s) to a chosen ticket. A list of available tickets displays.
- Duplicate – This option duplicates any selected item(s).
- Quantity – Allows you to increase the quantity of a selected item.
- Void Item/Remove Item – This removes selected items from the ticket. Note that you’ll be prompted to enter a void reason if the item was already saved/committed to the ticket.
- Modify – Allows you to change the modifiers on the selected item. For example, no tomatoes and no onions.
Splitting Checks and Tickets
Heartland Restaurant gives you a variety of ways to split a check. Split check functionality allows parties of multiple people to easily split up what amount they each want to pay on the ticket. The following steps guide you through splitting a ticket:
- Select the ticket.
- Once in the Order Screen select Split from the menu on the left.
Once you select Split, options include:
New – Selecting New creates a new empty check within the ticket and displays the split as Check 1 and Check 2. Note that at this point, Check 2 is showing $0.00 balance due.
By selecting 1 item (or by selecting 1 item and then a long press to highlight additional items) you have the options to:
- Move – Select Move to move the selected item(s) to another check. For example, Check 1 only wants to pay for the chicken fingers and onion rings. You would select those items and select Check 1.
- Evenly - To split the cost of the selected item(s) evenly.
- Check 1 - To move the select item(s) to Check 1.
- Check 2 – To move the selected item(s) to Check 2.
- Advanced – To select a more detailed split. Under Advanced a selected item(s) could be split by 1/2’s, 1/3’s, 1/4’s, or 1/5’s.
By Seat – This splits the check based on seats (it’ll be grayed out if there are no seats on the ticket or only a single seat). In the following example, you can see the seat numbers 1 and 2 on the left side:
2x-9x – This option splits the items evenly across the amount of checks you choose from 2-9 individuals. The items are fractionally split across the checks. The example below is splitting the check evenly, a 50/50 split:
Remove All – Selecting this will remove any previous splits and all items will appear on the ticket as they were originally.
Ticket Info
The Ticket Info screen shows pertinent information for the ticket you’re viewing and contains some of the actions you can perform on a ticket. The following symbols display near the top of the ticket: Guests in Range, Credit Card Tab, Order History, Geocode, and Caller ID. These symbols can be pressed to access the information in their name (i.e. Order History to access a guest’s order history).
Tip: Some Rooms (e.g. Bar, Main Dining Room…) that you have established may bring this screen up automatically when creating a ticket.
Payments and Transactions
Paying a Ticket
To pay a ticket in Heartland Restaurant, select the desired ticket and from the left side of the screen select Checkout; a menu of options displays for you to pay out the ticket.
Cash can be taken in a few ways:
- The exact amount of the ticket is the default amount so if the customer has the exact amount, touch
- You can enter a specific amount into the keypad and then select the Cash
- You can select a standard denomination. In the example above, the amount due is $18.02 so the system anticipates the most common cash amounts you might receive are $19, $20, or $50. If the customer gives you a common demonization (e.g. $20) the system allows you to pay out the ticket with one button press and a screen appears with the amount of change due.
From here you can Print a receipt, Void Payment on the payment you just made, or select a blank space on the screen to return to the ticket preview screen.
To take a credit payment for the full amount, swipe or dip the card while in the Checkout screen.
- To take a partial payment, use the keypad to enter the desired amount and then swipe the card.
- To manually enter a card number, select Card and enter the information in the appropriate fields.
If the credit transaction was successful, it displays an approval message and a screen with various options.
Options include:
- Sign – This opens up the signature capture screen. This is intended to be shown to the customer (if a customer display is not configured). From here, customers can select a tip amount. Once a tip amount is selected, these remaining options display:
- Rate their experience
- Email a receipt
- Sign for the transaction
- Tip: They can select the X in the right corner to clear the signature box and retry, if necessary.
Once the customer is finished, selecting the green Checkmark displays a configurable message (e.g. Have a great day!) and the X in the top right returns them to the Checkout screen.
- Tip – To add a tip manually, use the keypad to enter the desired tip amount then select the Tip button.
- Email – Enter an email address where you’d like the receipt sent.
- Print – Select Print to preview and print the credit receipt.
- Void Payment - This removes the payment after prompting for a void reason.
Making Adjustments to a Transaction
Same Day Adjustments
To make adjustments to any transaction on the same day it was performed, go to the desired ticket and at the bottom of the Ticket Preview you can see the payment(s) taken for the ticket; from here, tap on the desired payment and you can change, print or void the payment.
Different Day Adjustments
You cannot make adjustments to transactions from previous days, but you can view and print them.
- Select the User Menu in the top right then select Reports.
- Select the Transactions.
- Select the date in the top left then select the desired date or a range of dates.
- Select Run.
If the date was close to the current day, you can use the arrows to the left and right of the date to go back and forward by days.
You can narrow the search down further using the Filter You can narrow by the type of transaction (e.g. credit, cash, house account) and/or by specific staff members.
- When a list of transactions displays, select the Ticket# of the desired transaction to open a detailed view of the ticket.
- Select View Original on the top right and the Ticket Preview screen for that ticket displays.
- Select the desired transaction on the Ticket Preview and you can view the details of the transaction and Preview and/or Print the transaction receipt.
- To refund a ticket, go to the Ticket Info screen and select Refund Ticket.
Closing a Ticket
In most restaurant settings you will want to close a ticket once the payment is finalized. To close a ticket manually, go to the ticket and select Close in the left-hand menu.
Applying Adjustments and Discounts
Heartland Restaurant defines a Discount as being applied to Items and an Adjustment as being applied to entire Tickets. You can apply Discounts by selecting an item(s) in the Order Screen and then selecting Discount in the bottom right. Tap on the desired discount to apply.
You can apply Adjustments at Checkout. Select Checkout from the Left Handed Menu then select Adjust. A list of adjustments displays and you can tap on the desired adjustment to apply it.
Reprinting Tickets
Select Reprint from the Left Handed Menu. From here you can reprint a Customer Receipt or reprint a slip to the kitchen\display format. There is also an option to Preview the ticket in each format.
Searching and Filtering Tickets
Specific kinds of tickets can be filtered and searched for in Heartland Restaurant.
- In the bottom left of the Rooms screen select the Search
- From here, you can select My tickets to only show tickets under your current staff member.
- If you select Status a list of filters pops up. Any combination of filters can be selected. Most of these are color coded and correspond to the color of tickets.
End of Day
This section describes some common tasks in Heartland Restaurant that are completed at the end of a business day or shift. They may vary by operation.
Tip Out
The Tip Out feature allows a percentage of a staff member’s net sales, gross sales, or tips to be allocated to another staff member or to a group pool. When Tip Out is set to Automatic it is automatically allocated to a “tip pool” and is available for redistribution on the POS. When Tip Out is set to Suggested it must be manually sent to a pool for redistribution or tipped out directly to an individual on the POS.
Tipping out an individual staff member
- Select the User menu and then select Tip Out from the drop-down menu.
- In the Tip Out section select Staff and choose the staff member you are tipping out.
- You can also select the Filter Job Type option and choose the appropriate job type.
- Select Amount and type the dollar amount.
- You have the option to select Comment and add a comment.
- Select the Tip Out button to complete the tip out.
Tipping out to a pool
- Select the User menu and then select Tip Out from the drop-down menu.
- In the Tip Out section select Pool and choose the desired tip out pool.
- Select Amount and type the dollar amount.
- You have the option to select Comment and add a comment.
- Select the Tip Out button to complete the tip out.
Depending on your system settings Checkouts may be required or may be optional. Checkouts are recommended to allow Heartland Restaurant to help you track your revenue.
Server Bank Checkout
All tickets must be closed under a particular server in order to perform a Checkout; otherwise, you’ll get a message advising that you cannot Checkout until the tickets are paid and closed. To complete a server Checkout the server selects the User menu and then Server Bank. A screen displays the option to Checkout and all applicable information to the current Server Bank.
Once all tickets are closed the server can select Checkout at the bottom of the screen. The system displays a message verifying that they want to Checkout. Once the Checkout is completed, any amount listed as Server Owes Merchant should be returned to the restaurant or conversely if the server is owed money that it will be paid to the server.
Once a Checkout is completed, each individual Checkout can be viewed under Manager then Daily Review then Cash In the following example the server checked out at 1:54PM for $80.05 and continued to take orders thus creating a new open server bank.
- From this screen, if you select a Server Bank that is not checked out as a manager with appropriate permissions, you will have the option to Force Server Checkout. It’s important to note that this still does not override if they have open tickets or pending transactions.
- If you select a Server Bank that is checked out, you can Print a summary report for that Checkout.
- If you want to view information on a Server Bank from a previous date, from the Merchant App or Admin Portal you can select Reports then Cash Drawers. If you select one of the Server Banks it displays a detail page:
Server Balancing
If your system is configured to require server balancing, checkouts for staff members using a Server Bank will be different. Servers using a Server Bank can balance with a Cash Drawer or another open Server Bank.
When a staff member goes to Checkout they will see a list of servers with currently opened Server Banks under the Balance Server section. From here you can select a Checkout & Balance.
A prompt appears to Collect or Give money to the server to balance them. Press OK and the Server Balance reflects in the Checkout screen and reflects in the Expected Cash totals.
The server that was balanced will not need to complete their own checkout as it completes it at the same time they balance with the other staff members.
If a server checks out without balancing, their record on the Daily Review screen in yellow.
On the Daily Review screen, you can see the balance on the drawer reports, the Server Bank Checkout report, and Cash Drawer Checkout report.
On the Cash Drawers report, you can see a Server Balances section as well as a summary total of server balances in the Cash Drawer Summary section.
Cash Drawer Checkout
The Cash Drawer Checkout is very similar to a Server Bank checkout. It shows Expected Cash in Drawer and also indicates where the drawer that was used was attached. When a server checks out a cash drawer the system expects that the Expected Cash in Drawer after Checkout remains. The following is an example of the Cash Drawer Checkout screen.
The same rules that apply to a Server Checkout also apply to a Cash Drawer Checkout. Some things to note:
- All tickets must be closed and transactions paid under the staff member before checkout is allowed.
- For reporting purposes, one entry is the specific person’s checkout for a drawer and another entry is the drawer in its entirety; this is to accommodate multiple people working from the same drawer.
- When you checkout with a cash drawer, that drawer will be detached. A new drawer will need to be attached before taking additional cash transactions on that iPad.
Actual Cash Counting
If the cash counting option is on, it prompts staff members checking out a cash drawer to count the cash value of any drawer that is used in the location. Heartland Restaurant will report any differences between the System Expected Cash (system-counted) amount and the User Committed Cash (user-counted) value.
If this option is checked, all cash drawers must be counted to close the day properly.
When enabled, when a staff member checks out their cash drawer it will have an additional prompt to enter how much cash is in the drawer.
A server may count the drawer now by entering the amount and selecting Save or they can select Count Later. If they select Count Later, only someone with access to the Daily Review screen can enter the user-counted drawer amount.
If there is a discrepancy between the Actual amount (user-counted) and the Expected amount (system-counted), the system displays a +/- column on the Daily Review screen. Having a variance does not prevent a checkmark from being displayed for the cash in the Daily Review screen.
Variances are shown on the Cash Drawers report. You can select one of the cash drawers and refer to the Cash Drawer Summary section.
Multiple Staff on a Cash Drawer
If your system is configured to allow multiple staff members on a single drawer, the checkout process and reporting will be slightly different.
The first staff member attaches the drawer and enters the Starting Cash.
When another staff member goes to Attach Drawer on the same cash drawer it prompts if they want to attach to the same drawer as another staff member. From here, they can select Attach to assign themselves to that drawer as well.
When staff members check out, they will see an Other Cash Transactions line which denotes other staff members transaction totals. The Checkout Cash Transactions line are the transactions completed by the staff member checking out.
When anyone but the last staff member left on a drawer checks out, the system prompts them to detach from the drawer. If previous staff members using the drawers checked out and had tips, the system indicates this on the checkout reports by displaying a Tips Already Paid Out line.
When the last staff member checks out, the system displays a Last Staff on Drawer prompt letting them know that checking out will close the drawer.
Note: When Actual Cash Counting is enabled, the last staff member will be the only individual that will be prompted to count the drawer. Refer to the Actual Cash Counting section for additional information.
Once all staff members assigned to a drawer are checked out the system displays an entry for each staff member for that drawer in its entirety on the Daily Review screen. From the Daily Review screen summaries can be viewed for individual staff or the drawer as a whole. The following is an example on Lea’s iPad showing it being shared by two staff members:
If you select the specific drawer, the Cash Drawers report displays the multiple users in the Attach Log section.
Overview of Reports
This section is an overview of reports and what information they contain.
- Daily Summary – This is an overall report that can be run on a restaurant’s performance. It links to many other reports.
- Items – How much of an item was ordered including the size, quantity, net and gross sales, cost, and margins on the item.
- Hourly Tickets – Total amount of tickets, seats, guests, net sales, and calculates the percentage of daily sales per hour
- Hourly Items – Total amount of items, net sales, and calculates the percentage of daily sales per hour
- Discounts – The amount of each discount that was used and the total loss from using the discount
- Adjustments – The amount of each adjustment that was used and the total losses from using adjustment.
- Taxes –Shows a list of all taxes with the amount that was collected, the amount that was inclusive, and the total amount collected
- Surcharges – Gives a breakdown of different surcharges and their amounts for users
- Void Reasons – Gives a breakdown of void reasons given when voiding tickets, payments, and specific items along with the total dollar amount voided
- Tips & Payouts – Gives a breakdown of Tips and Payouts for each user
- Tickets – This is a list of all tickets in a particular timeframe with the open and close times, the staff member who owns the ticket, the room, and total. Within this report, each ticket can be selected to see more details.
- Transactions – Shows detailed information on each transaction done in a particular timeframe.
- Cash Summary – This report shows a summary of cash flow by user. It shows the user’s name, total cash, Cash Voids, Tips and Payouts, Pay In/Outs, Server Balances, and Expected Cash.
- Cash Drawers – Shows a list of Cash Drawers and Server Banks with the drawer/bank name, the staff member assigned to it, and open/close times. If you tap the Cash Drawer/Sever Bank name, it provides a detailed report of the specific Cash Drawer/Server Bank.
- Labor Summary – If this report is run for a single day, it shows the overall totals and hour by hour labor information. When it’s run for two or more days, it shows the overall totals, Job Totals, and a breakdown by day.
- Payroll Summary – Breaks down employee payouts with a list of hours for each employee.
- Time Clock – This report shows detailed information on shifts sorted by employees. You can view breaks and see an overview of total hours and reported tips.
Daily Summary
This report is a great overall look at your restaurant’s performance on a single day or a date range. Many of the fields are tappable so you can drill down to finer details.
The following are some examples of additional details available in the Daily Summary report:
To see a list of items that were sold for the day, under the Sales section, tap Items and an Item report displays showing all of the items ordered for that date or date range.
If you tap on an item from the list, you can view a report of Tickets that the item was on.
By tapping on a Ticket# you can see a detailed view of the specific ticket.
To go back up a level (e.g. from an individual Ticket# view to the Items view) tap the blue heading at the top left.
You can filter the Daily Summary report by Staff Members and/or by specific Revenue Centers using the dropdowns.
There are various options when selecting a date range. By tapping on the date at the top right you can select a date range then tap Run to view the report from the chosen date range.
To Print the report select in the top right.
- If you print on the POS App, it sends it to the default register printer assigned to the iPad.
- If you print in the Admin Portal, it will display a print options screen for the specific device.
Daily Review
The Daily Review screen makes it simple for managers to see what’s left to be done for end of day procedures. The depth which this screen will be used depends on your restaurant’s operational procedures. The Daily Review screen can be accessed by selecting the User Menu at the top right and then Manager and Daily Review.
Typically at closing time, you’ll want to see a green checkmark or no indicator for Tips, Tickets, and Cash. No indicator displays for some items depending on the setup; which is described in this section. In this example, no action is needed for Tips or Tickets (note there is no indicator on Tips and a green checkmark on Tickets; both indicate no action is needed), but that Cash has a red X indicating it still has items to complete:
Tip Screen
The Tips screen shows any transactions that did not have a tip entered and allows you to enter a tip. You can enter tips directly into this screen or you can tap on the Ticket name to go directly to the ticket.
To enter tips in this screen:
- Tap the Tip box and enter the desired tip amount using the keypad; select Next on the keypad to go to the next transaction in the list.
- Select the Empty Tips button and then select Mark empty tips as 0 to mark all empty tips $0.
- When you’re done adjusting tips, tap Submit Tips on the bottom middle of the screen to save.
Note: If your credit card processing is set to Auth/Capture tips must be captured to batch a transaction out at the end of day. When you use this method, you’ll see a red X or a green checkmark indicator for this section. If you use Sale/Adjust or another processing method it allows you to view the screen, but does not show an indicator since it’s not required for end of day.
Tickets Screen
This screen displays any tickets that have not been closed, the staff member they are under, and their status (i.e. unpaid, open…).
Tap the desired Ticket and the Ticket Preview screen automatically displays; from here a manager could take any necessary steps to close the ticket or advise the appropriate staff member to take needed actions to close it.
Again a green checkmark displays if all tickets are Closed; otherwise a red X displays.
Cash Screen
This screen shows all the complete (green) and incomplete (red) checkouts/balances of Server Banks and Cash Drawers for the day. When all checkouts are complete a green checkmark displays; otherwise you’ll see a red X.
Basic Icons
Staff Member’s Cash Drawer Report - Select to see the drawer report of an individual staff member. If Actual Cash Counting is enabled, the user counted amount can be adjusted here.
Full Cash Drawer Report - Select to show the report for an entire drawer. If multiple staff members used the same drawer, this will not show green until all staff members checkout.
Server Bank – Select to show the Server Bank report for an individual staff member. If balancing is enabled and they checkout, but do not balance, this shows in yellow.
- If you tap on one of the checkouts, it will display a report.
- If they have already checked out, it will have an option to Print at the bottom.
- If they have not checked out, it will have the option to Force Server Checkout.
- If all tickets are closed, it will allow you to force the checkout.
- If any tickets are open you cannot force the checkout.
Refer to the Server Bank Checkout section in this document for information on the normal checkout processes for Server Banks. Refer to the Cash Drawer Checkout section in this document for normal checkout processes for Cash Drawers.
Manager Menu
The Manager menu contains some important settings and options related to your system. This section describes these settings. Note that for options previously described in this document, those sections will be referenced.
The Info screen allows you to view information on your system’s configurations. If you select the + icons, they will expand to display additional information.
This screen has multiple settings that affect how your device performs with the Heartland Restaurant App. Some additional details are provided under each setting.
Localization Settings
Heartland Restaurant includes various localization settings to provide a site with a multi-lingual interface. These controls enable you to set a preferred language for the Admin Console and all sites associated with a specific account, or to set different languages for specific locations, users, and staff members. You can select a language within the POS app itself.
Admin Console
In the Admin Console, you can apply a default language preference in the User Profile. The program will use this language as the default when displaying labels in the Admin Console.
You can also set language preferences in the following records.
- Accounts
- Locations
- Users
- Staff
These settings modify the language displayed in the Admin Console and POS.
- Log into the Admin Console.
- In the top right corner, click
, then click My Profile.
- In the My Profile screen, select an appropriate language in the Language.
- If you select a language in the Language list, the Admin Console will use that language for all labels in the program. If you select Location Default, the Admin Console will use each location’s language setting when displaying setting screens for the specific location.
- Click
to save your settings.
- In the Admin Console’s Main Menu, click Accounts, then select an existing account.
- In the Main Menu, click Account Info.
- In the Account Info screen, select a language in the Language
- If you select a language in the Language list, the Admin Console will use this language when displaying setting screens under this specific account and all its locations.
- The account’s language setting does not override the My Profile setting. You can also set one or more locations to override the account’s default language.
- Click
to save your settings.
In the Location Settings, you can set the program to override the default language set in the Accounts window when displaying controls (in the Admin Console or POS) for a specific location.
- In the Admin Console’s Main Menu, select a location.
- In the Location screen, click New Location in account, then click Account Info.
- In the Location Settings screen, select a language in the Language
- If you select a language in the Language list, the program will ignore the language settings the My Profile and Account Info screens, and use this language for all setting screens under this specific location.
- If you select Account Default, the Admin Console will use the account’s language setting when displaying screens for this specific location.
- Click
to save your settings.
In the Staff Settings, you can set the program to override the default language set in the Accounts or Locations settings when displaying controls (in the Admin Console) when a specific user logs in.
- In the Admin Console’s Main Menu, select Users, then select an existing user record.
- In the User Settings screen, select a language in the Language
- If you select a language in the Language list, the program will override all other default language settings and use this language when the user logs into the Admin Console. If you select Location Default, the program will use the location’s language settings when the user logs into the Admin Console.
- Click
to save your settings.
- If you click Resend activation email, the program will resend the Activation email to the user in the language set in the Language list.
In the Staff Settings, you can set the program to override the default language set in the Accounts or Locations settings when displaying controls in the POS when a specific staff member logs in.
- In the Admin Console’s Main Menu, select Staff, then select an existing staff member record.
- In the Staff Settings screen, select a language in the Language
- If you select a language in the Language list, the program will use this language for this staff member. When the staff member logs into the POS, the program will display all labels in the selected language.
- If you select Location Default, the program will use the location’s language setting when the staff member logs into the POS.
- Click to save your settings.
When you log into the POS app, the Log In screen will display the Email and Password labels in the language set as the default within the iPad device.
After you log in, the POS will apply the language settings from the Admin Console.
Based on the language selected in the Account, Location, or Staff settings, the POS will display all of its controls with labels in the selected language.
The POS will also use the selected language in the KDS screens and printed receipts.